

International Scientific Congress on Trace Minerals : OTEANE

First international scientific symposium on trace minerals in animal production systems - Geneva, Switzerland

International Scientific Congress on Trace Minerals : OTEANE

The first international scientific symposium on trace minerals in animal production systems will be organised in the Geneva, Switzerland area in June 2007.

The Congress will review current scientific knowledge on trace elements :
- Considered as essential nutrients for the nutrition and health of earth and aquatic farm animals ;
- Considered as potential pollutants for the soils and the waters.

The twenty lecturers, including highly specialised researchers, will come from reference organisations in Europe, in North America, in Asia, and in Africa.

Dr Santosh Lall (Institute for Marine Biosciences, National Research Council of Canada) will review requirements of fish and crustaceans for trace minerals.

 Prof. Meng-Hsien Chen (Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) will present the situation on the environmental pollution of heavy metals derived from aquaculture.

Conference participants from all parts of the world will include animal scientists, nutritionists, researchers in mineral nutrition, feed specialists, Marketing and General Managers of feed companies, water experts, agronomists, regulation experts, stakeholders in the animal chain, environmentalists, government regulators, livestock producers, veterinarians.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees invite research teams to present abstracts for Posters.

OTEANE is sponsored by Pancosma. Conference registration, instructions for abstracts, hotel arrangements, Social Programmes and all the other information are available at: