

Memorandum outlines steps to develop robust U.S. aquaculture industry

George Lockwood, author of \"AQUACULTURE:Will it rise to its potential to feed the world?\" recently sent copies of his book to Secretary Wilbur Ross of Commerce, Sec. Sonny Perdue of Agriculture, and Administrator Linda McMahon of the Small Business Administration (SBA). Along with each book, he included a letter and memorandum \"Federal government actions\" that itemizes actions necessary to develop a robust aquaculture industry in the United States. 

George Lockwood, author of \"AQUACULTURE: Will it rise to its potential to feed the world?\" recently sent copies of his book to Secretary Wilbur Ross of Commerce, Sec. Sonny Perdue of Agriculture, and Administrator Linda McMahon of the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Along with each book, he included a letter and memorandum \"Federal government actions\" that itemizes actions necessary to develop a robust aquaculture industry in the United States. 

To date, Lockwood has received correspondence from Prianka Sharma at SBA, and hopes to hear from others soon.

George Lockwood founded Monterey Abalone Farms in 1972 that eventually became Ocean Farms of Hawaii. It produced abalone, salmon, sea urchins and oysters in a novel system using deep ocean water pumped into onshore tanks and ponds.

Over the many years he has been interested in public policy relative to aquaculture development. Lockwood is a former president of the World Aquaculture Society and a founder and former president of the California Aquaculture Association. He was a major contributor to the National Aquaculture Act of 1980 and the California Aquaculture Act of 1982.

Since 2005, he has served as Chair of the Aquaculture Working Group that is advising the USDA with the development of organic aquaculture standards. Through this book he seeks to make domestic aquaculture a robust industry that substantially contributes to our national economy while producing the most environmentally sustainable and the healthiest forms of meat protein.

More information about the book will be included in next week’s newsletter.
