

NORWAY - Commander of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for Wout Dekker

The Royal House of Norway has announced that H.M. King Harald of Norway has decorated Wout Dekker as Commander in the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for his contribution to Norwegian aquaculture

Photo: Skretting

The Royal House of Norway has announced that H.M. King Harald of Norway has decorated Wout Dekker as Commander in the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for his contribution to Norwegian aquaculture.

The decoration reflects the importance of aquaculture in Norway and Nutreco’s contribution to its worldwide success. Wout Dekker’s commitment to innovation and sustainability was important to the development of the healthy and sustainable Norwegian aquaculture industry of today. The investments he ensured helped aquaculture become Norway’s second largest export industry after oil and gas.

Knut Nesse, Nutreco CEO: “Substantial investments in R&D and manufacturing facilities for feed were prerequisites for the development of Nutreco’s fish feed company Skretting, headquartered in Norway. These investments and belief in the industry secured hundreds of jobs along the coast. Wout Dekker was a key person in this process and he was deeply involved in the strategies and investments that made Norway a leading aquaculture nation.”

Wout Dekker has 30 years of experience in the aquaculture industry, for the past 12 years as CEO of Nutreco. Knut Nesse took over as CEO on 1 August 2012 when Wout Dekker stepped down.