

November meeting to bring U.S. Organic Aquaculture Standards Closer

Presentations for The National Organic Standards Board Organic Aquaculture Symposium now available
October 12, 2007

The U.S. National Organic Standards Board Organic Aquaculture Symposium will take place at The Holiday Inn National Airport Hotel, 2650 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA  22202, USA, on Tuesday, November 27, 2007.

As reported previously, the USDA advisory National Organic Standards Board and the USDA National Organic Program will be taking another step toward the development of national organic aquaculture standards by seeking further consultation from stakeholders on two critical topics: fish feed and fish meal/oil and open cage net pens.

The six members of each panel that will address these two subjects have been selected and most of the papers have been posted in addition to details on the symposium (See here and below):


Md. Shah Alam, University of North Carolina, Center for Marine Research
Replacement of Menhaden Fishmeal by Soybean Meal for the Diet of Juvenile Black Sea Bass (PDF)

Torbjorn Asgard, Akvaforsk, Norway
Flexibility in the Use of Feed Ingredients can turn the farmed salmon industry sustainable (PDF)

Craig Browdy, Marine Resources Institute, South Carolina Dept of Natural Resources
Alternative Approaches for Removing Fish Meal and Oils from Farmed Shrimp using Plant and Poultry Meals and Marine Algal Products (PDF)

Steven Craig, VA/MD Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, VA Tech
Total Replacement of Fishmeal and Fish oil in Diets for Nile Tilapia and the Marine Obligate Carnivore, Cobia

Brad Hicks, Chair, Pacific Organic Seafood Association, BC, Canada
Feeding Fish, Fish Meal and Fish Oil Fulfill Organic Tenets (PDF)

Jonathan Shepherd, International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organization
Sustainable Marine Resources for Organic Aquafeeds (PDF)



Sandra Bravo, Aquaculture Institute, Universidad Austral de Chile
Use of Antifouling in the Chilean Salmon Industry (PDF)

Kenneth Brooks, Aquatic Environmental Sciences, Washington
A Comparison of the Environmental Costs Associated with Open Net Pen Culture of Atlantic Salmon and Production of some other human foods (PDF)

Andrea Kavanagh, Director, Pure Salmon Campaign
A review of research on the caused and quantities of farmed fish escapes from open net cage systems and a literature review of the impact of escapes on wild fish populations, using farmed salmon as a case study (PDF)

Martin Krkosek, Centre for Mathematical Biology, University of Alberta, Canada
Disease Threats of Salmon Aquaculture to Wild Fish (PDF)

George Leonard, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Center for the Future of Oceans
Performance Goals for Net Pen Production of Organic Finfish (PDF)

Neil Sims, Kona Blue
Applicability of Organic Principles to Marine Finfish Aquaculture: Comparing Open Ocean Net Pens to Closed-Containment Systems for Production of Kona Kampachi



All oral presentation panelists will be participating in the poster session.  Everyone who had submitted abstracts but who were not selected for oral presentation, were very much encouraged to submit full papers and participate in the poster session. In addition, some of the individuals who were selected for oral presentation had submitted additional abstracts and may also be presenting information on those other topics.

Linda J. O’Dierno, New Jersey Department of Agriculture
The Value of USDA Organic Labeling to the United States Consumer (PDF)

Stan Proboszcz, Watershed Watch Salmon Society, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Estimated Sea Louse Egg Production from Marine Harvest Canada (Stolt) Farmed Salmon, Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada, 2003-2004: Implications for Proposed Organic Standards (PDF)

Urvashi Rangan, Consumers Union, non-profit publisher of Consumer Reports
Consumer Expectations of Organic Fish (PDF)