

Nutreco hosts Capital Markets Day in Italy

Nutreco hosted a Capital Markets Day in Italy on Wednesday, October 6, 2010, with a site visit to its aquafeed plant and its recently inaugurated premix plant in Mozzecane

Nutreco hosts Capital Markets Day in Italy
Nutreco hosted a Capital Markets Day in Italy on Wednesday, October 6, 2010, with a site visit to its aquafeed plant and its recently inaugurated premix plant in Mozzecane. Next to the site visit Nutreco will give updates on the three divisions Agriculture, Specialties and Aquaculture.

The world faces the challenge to feed nine billion people in 2050 sustainably. To do so world food production must double while halving the footprint from the current level. In response to this challenge Nutreco continues to focus on its twofold strategy: innovation and operational excellence. 

Nutreco increases its medium-term EBITA-margin guidance for Premix and feed specialties to 7%. In fish feed Nutreco will confirm its medium term outlook of at least 5% organic growth per year. Furthermore it aims to increase the share of fish feed for non-salmonids from 25% to 35% of total fish feed sales by 2015.

In line with earlier expectations as indicated in the half-year report issued on 29 July 2010 Nutreco confirms its outlook for 2010. Barring unforseen circumstances, Nutreco expects EBITA before exceptional items in the second half of the year to be in line with the very strong second half of 2009 (EUR 133.6 million). For the full year 2010 this will result in an increase of approximately 25% in EBITA before exceptional items compared with 2009 (EUR 175.2 million). Download theCapital Markets Day presentation (PDF)