

Organic Aquaculture Standards consultation goes live

Amendments to the Soil Association draft Aquaculture Standards are out for consultation until 24 August and interested parties are invited to participate in the consultation survey and to submit comments. The Standards Board is hoping that a wide range of stakeholders will participate.
July 1, 2015

Amendments to the Soil Association draft Aquaculture Standards are out for consultation until 24 August and the Standards Board is hoping that a wide range of stakeholders will participate.

Soil Association organic standards are underpinned by strict standards laid down in European law. Organic aquaculture products such as salmon and trout carrying the Soil Association’s symbol, have been certified to additional standards, where the Aquaculture Standards Committee has concluded this is necessary. The standards have been reviewed to have the maximum impact with the minimum hassle for licensees and to ensure they are practical, yet still maintain the organic principles of health, ecology, fairness and care.

The consultation seeks views about the Soil Association additional standards – those over and above the EU legislation - from industry stakeholders and anyone with an interest in organic aquaculture. These are highlighted in the consultation document and in the survey.

Please click here to participate.




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