

Pacific anchovy fishing suspended off Pisco

The Ministry of Production (Produce) announced the temporary suspension of fishing activities for Pacific anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and longnose anchovy (Anchovy nasus) in an area of the central region of the Peruvian coast. The ban affects small and larger scale artisanal fishing vessels.

The Ministry of Production (Produce) announced the temporary suspension of fishing activities for Pacific anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and longnose anchovy (Anchovy nasus) in an area of the central region of the Peruvian coast. The ban affects small and larger scale artisanal fishing vessels.

The measure applies from zero hour on Thursday 28 January 2016 for five calendar days in the area between the 13°00\' to 13°30\' SL off Pisco, from 5 to 20 nautical miles from the coast.

The decision to suspend the fishing is based on the latest report from the Instituto del Mar del Peru (Imarpe), which found that the proportion of Pacific anchovy juveniles had reached 12 per cent in the area. This led to the recommendation of precautionary measures to safeguard the sustainability of the stock.

Imarpe undertake the monitoring and tracking of key biological, population and fishery indicators of the resource, and report and recommend timely fisheries management measures to Produce.

Source: Read the full story here