

Patrick Moore to Receive Honorary Doctorate of Science

Aquaculture advocate recognized
Patrick Moore to Receive Honorary Doctorate of Science

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore, now Chair and Chief Scientist of Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. in Vancouver, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science by North Carolina State University. Moore will travel to Raleigh, North Carolina today to take part in the convocation ceremonies this morning.

"I haven't had what you would call a typical academic career," said Dr. Moore, "so it is a great honor to be recognized for my contribution to science and the environment. North Carolina State has an excellent reputation for their programs in the life sciences and natural resources, areas that I have focused on throughout my varied career."

Patrick Moore was born and raised in Winter Harbour on northern Vancouver Island where his family owns a logging company. He received his Ph.D. in ecology from the University of British Columbia in 1972. While studying for his doctorate he joined the first Greenpeace campaign, sailing on the Phyllis Cormack to protest US hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska in 1971. He was then in the top committee of Greenpeace for 15 years, serving as one of five directors of Greenpeace International from 1979 - 1986.

Dr. Moore left Greenpeace in 1986 to pursue a career in aquaculture. He started a salmon farm at Winter Harbour and in 1986 was elected President of the fledgling BC Salmon Farmers Association, a position he held until 1989. "I believe that aquaculture is the future of protein and healthy oils for a growing human population," says Dr. Moore. "Fish are much more efficient than land animals at converting feed to food for people and the omega-3 fats they contain are proven to reduce heart disease."

A strong advocate of sustainable forestry, Dr. Moore served as a director and consultant to the Forest Alliance of BC from 1991 - 2000 where he led the process of developing the Principles of sustainable Forestry.

In 2000 Dr. Moore joined in a partnership with colleagues Tom Tevlin and Trevor Figueiredo to form Greenspirit Strategies Ltd, a consulting firm focusing on sustainability strategy and communications. They consult to a wide
range of clients in North America and overseas.

Dr. Moore is a director of NextEnergy Solutions Ltd., the largest distributor of geothermal heat pumps in Canada for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water production with renewable earth energy. Natural Resources Canada has stated that geothermal energy has a greater potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings than any other available technology.