

Peruvian industry body demands anchovy use for food fish

Peru\'s National Society of Industries has asked the local government to authorize higher anchovy fishing for direct human consumption, instead of sending it all for processing into fishmeal.

Peru\'s National Society of Industries (SNI) has asked the local government to authorize higher anchovy fishing for direct human consumption, instead of sending it all for processing into fishmeal.

If the anchovies were processed at canning and freezing plants for human consumption, it would help to fight malnutrition in Peru and meet global demand, said SNI.

There is good demand from Brazil, Czech Republic, Poland and African countries for anchovy for human consumption, but this demand could not be met because of the lack of processing operations in Peru, said SNI vice president Carlos Milanovitch.

\"Massive consumption of anchovy could not only end child malnutrition in Peru, but also in the world, he said.

Just 1% of the total anchovy quota for fishmeal would be enough to eradicate child malnutrition in Peru. It is cheap and is a good source of percentage of protein and Omega 3.

Source: Undercurrent News. Read the full story in Spanish here.