

Presentations from Biomin Forum now available online

Leading academics and industry practitioners from the aquaculture sector gathered at the 2016 World Nutrition Forum, hosted by Biomin, to discuss the latest developments regarding nutrition, genetics, management and more. Presentations from the Forum, held from 13-14 October in Vancouver, Canada, are now available to watch online.

Leading academics and industry practitioners from the aquaculture sector gathered at the 2016 World Nutrition Forum, hosted by Biomin, to discuss the latest developments regarding nutrition, genetics, management and more.

The following presentations from the Forum, held from 13-14 October in Vancouver, Canada, are now available to watch on the Biomin website:

  • “Ocean Foods Ecosystems for Planetary Survival in the Antropocene” by Barry A. Costa-Pierce
  • “The Fishmeal Dilemma – What are the Alternatives?” by Ashild Krogdahl
  • “Mycotoxins in Aquaculture: Occurrence and Significance” by Rui Alexandre Goncalves
  • “Addressing the Challenges of Shrimp Nutrition” by Alberto Nunes
  • “Disease Threats in Shrimp Farming: Causes and Possible Solutions” by Matthew Briggs
  • “Probiotics Enhancing Gut Performance” by Daniel Merrifield
  • “Bringing Science to the Field: Innovative Molecular Tools for the Benefit of Farmers” by Simon MacKenzie
  • “Sustainable Shrimp Farming: High Density, Biofloc-dominated, No-water-exchange Systems” by Tzachi Samocha

Click here to watch the recorded presentations.