

President Trump proclaims June 2018 as National Ocean Month

President Donald J. Trump has proclaimed June 2018 as National Ocean Month. \"This month, I call upon Americans to reflect on the value and importance of oceans not only to our security and economy, but also as a source of recreation, enjoyment, and relaxation.\" In his proclamation, President Trump declared support for domestic aquaculture production and promised to create new opportunities for American products in the global marketplace.

President Donald J. Trump has proclaimed June 2018 as National Ocean Month.

\"This month, I call upon Americans to reflect on the value and importance of oceans not only to our security and economy, but also as a source of recreation, enjoyment, and relaxation,\" President Trump said in his proclamation. 

President Trump also declared support for domestic aquaculture production and promised to \"create new opportunities for American products in the global marketplace.\"

\"Through the unique geography of its mainland and the strategic locations of Alaska, Hawaii, and its territories, the United States has the exclusive commercial rights to an oceanic area larger than the combined landmass of the 50 States.  This invaluable national asset, called the United States Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), is currently underutilized.  To harness the vast resources of the EEZ, we will develop and deploy new technologies in partnership with American academic institutions and innovators.  We will streamline regulations and administrative practices to promote economic growth, while protecting our marine environment for current and future generations.  We will also create new opportunities for American products in the global marketplace, including through continued support of our commercial fisheries and promotion of domestic aquaculture.\"

Click here to read the Proclamation in its entirety