

Russian border reopened for fish feeds

Russian authorities have announced that the import ban of fish feeds ended and the border reopened last week. The Russian border has been closed since August 4, when Russian authorities announced that analyses carried out during border checks in the summer showed genetically modified soybean in Raisioaqua’s fish feeds. Raisio Group stated that it is committed to the use of non-genetically modified raw materials and that its soy supplier was responsible for ensuring its product complied with the contract. Raisioaqua has been in close contact with its customers during the export ban and will immediately resume negotiations to finalize supply contracts for the 2019 season.

The Russian border has been closed since August 4, 2018. Russian authorities announced that the border would be closed after the analyses carried out during border checks in the summer showed genetically modified soybean in Raisioaqua’s fish feeds. Genetically modified material was found in concentrations that exceed the labelling limit established in the EU labelling legislation and the limit established in the Russian legislation.

As a result, Raisioaqua has not been able to deliver fish feeds for its Russian customers, which is the largest market for Raisioaqua’s fish feeds. Raisio Group stated that it is committed to the use of non-genetically modified raw materials. The soy product Raisioaqua uses in its fish feeds was supplied by a Finnish supplier who had responsibility to ensure that the product complies with the contract. Raisio and the supplier will continue to negotiate on the compensation for damages caused to Raisioaqua business.

Raisioaqua has been in close contact with its customers during the export ban and will immediately resume negotiations to finalize supply contracts for the 2019 season.