

SAUDI ARABIA - National Prawn Company spawns 23 million Sea Cucumber eggs

After three years of research and development the company has closed the life cycle of sea cucumber

In Saudi Arabia a one of its kind project is growing and investing in technology and research. The Sea Cucumber is an excellent example of this effort and comes with high expectations. 90 tons of sea cucumber (Holothuria Scabra), is expected to be harvested within the first year.

This huge success has been achieved through a long process of investigation, development and careful monitoring. NPC workers have committed wholeheartedly to this project, which will guarantee sustainable marine culture to fulfill market  needs and maintain a balanced marine life.

Commenting on this achievement, Engineer Ahmad R. Al-Ballaa, Managing Director of NPC and board chairman of Saudi Aquaculture Society, said: “We own the pride of achieving such a big project which is one of its kind in the region. It has consumed more than three years of constant researching and experimenting carried by a team of professionals in the field of aquaculture. Thanks God for this additional achievement added to our series of the like in this domain.”

He added: “Our first steps and achievements on this long path were the ones towards a successful shrimp project which are followed by the fish projects that are getting thumbs up worldwide\". He said  an additional milestone in this journey in the Saudi land known for its fertile nature is the production of 23 million sea cucumber larvae 23 million larvae. 

Manager of sea cucumber project, Mr. Mario Umundab said “Breeding Sea Cucumber in such high saline water and a very hot environment was never an easy task. Attentive monitoring on a daily basis for three consecutive years was a mandatory task that played a major role in guaranteeing its survival. It was a major reward for quite a hardworking and sacrificing team that has set a sustainable marine life development as one of its main goals.

Sea cucumber products are not known by Saudi society, in spite of its various medical and environmental benefits. It is not traded in the local market yet, and that is why the company is currently targeting the international markets with their increasing demand for sea cucumber, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore and others.

As for its environmental benefit, an adult Sea Cucumber is capable of cleaning and purifying four tons of sand each year, as whirling the sand to find its daily supply of food is its natural way of hunting and survival, which in turn is the best way to purify the sand and facilitate its process of getting rid of organic residues. Its twirling and daily journey of food hunting maintains a balanced PH rate in seawater and plays a vital role in separating petroleum waste.