

Skretting Chile commits to reduce plastic in feed delivery

The company plans to deliver freshwater feeds in compostable bags reducing the use of plastic in this species range by 78%. 

Skretting Chile commits to reduce plastic in feed delivery

In line with Nutreco's RoadMap for 2025 and the company’s 2050 sustainability commitments, Skretting Chile plans to reduce plastic in the feed packaging and will deliver freshwater feeds in compostable bags.

“We analyzed various possibilities that seek to support the climate and circularity pillar mentioned in the Nutreco Roadmap, which proposes, among other things, addressing the responsible use of resources with a focus on the circular economy, recycling and reuse. We evaluated the delivery of bulk diets and other similar options, and finally, we move forward with this project that seeks to deliver our diets in a sustainable packaging, which after being used by our customers, can be composted, reducing the use of plastic in freshwater species by 78%,” said Marcelo Abarzúa, commercial deputy manager of Skretting Chile.

The initiative is currently in the process of scaling up at the commercial level, and it is expected that in 2022 Skretting Chile will be able to offer this solution to all its freshwater customers, contributing to the sustainability of the industry.