

Sustainable Aquaculture online course

An online course in aquaculture will be launched by the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and The Fish Site this week
January 22, 2009

Sustainable Aquaculture online course

An online course in aquaculture will be launched by the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and The Fish Site this week. The Sustainable Aquaculture course is aimed at new graduates in the biological sciences who wish to develop their skills and knowledge of the global industry, examining sustainable aquatic food production.

The School of Biology in St Andrews will lead the course with industry support from 5M Publishing and international aquaculture consultants Fish Vet Group.

The Sustainable Aquaculture course is aimed at new graduates in the biological sciences who wish to develop their skills and knowledge of the global industry, examining sustainable aquatic food production.

As the course is available via e-learning and is studied part time it is also suitable for those currently working in fields of marine and fresh water aquaculture who wish to gain a greater knowledge and a recognised qualification in order to promote their career prospects.

Dr Neil Hazon, Reader at the Gatty Marine Research Institute, said "Aquaculture is one of the world's fastest growing industries, with an average growth rate of over 8% per year for the past 10 years.

"It is estimated that a further 40 million tonnes of aquatic food will be required by 2030 to supply the increasing demand and to replace declining wild harvested sources.

"The aquaculture industry will face many challenges to be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable, and will require trained and experienced staff to address successfully these issues and to meet anticipated future growth."

Modules include the structure of the global aquaculture industry, fish and invertebrate biology, aquaculture products and markets, each will consist of a series of lectures, tutorials, discussions and case studies delivered online.

Together with online publishers 5M Publishing, the University will introduce the new e-learning Certificate level course in April 2009.

The Sustainable Aquaculture course is intended to prepare students for a professional career involved with aquaculture, particularly for those looking to focus on the rapidly growing Asian and South American markets, and will be taught online from the leading aquaculture publication

The course structure is modular and part time study through the e-learning platform will allow students the flexibility to complete their studies while continuing in their employment.

Dr Hazon continued, "The Certificate in Sustainable Aquaculture is first and foremost, a course in professional and sustainable food production.

"The course aims to address the many challenges of the global aquaculture industry with strong components drawing directly on experience from the fields of marine and fresh water aquaculture."

For further details visit : or 
Download Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture leaflet (pdf)