

Thailand - CP Foods encourages fishmeal suppliers meet IFFO RS standards

Charoen Pokphand Foods (CP Foods) wants all fishmeal suppliers meet the standards to improve sustainability and traceability.

Charoen Pokphand Foods (CP Foods) plans to take further steps to encourage its fishmeal suppliers to stick with International Fishmeal and Fish-Oil Organisation Responsible Supply (IFFO RS) standards to ensure non-IUU fishing through its supply chain.

The European Commission’s recent decision to remove Thailand from the “yellow card” status has made all relevant sectors to strictly adhere to traceability. CP Foods is also gearing up to encourage its fishmeal suppliers to take up IFFO RS standards to ensure sustainable business.

It is important to note that all the fishmeal used in CP’s Thailand operations is certified by IFFO RS and comes from the by-product of fish-processing plants.

Dr Sujint Thammasart, chief operating officer of CP’s aquaculture business, said the company will double the number of certified suppliers this year. This plan will not only help improve its manufacturing line, but also ensure that raw materials come from legal sources.

Read the full story here.