

THAILAND, HAWAII - Announces Judges for the Aquafeed Innovation Award 2014 is pleased to announce the panel of judges for the Aquafeed innovation Award, to be presented at FIAAP Asia/VICTAM Asia/GRAPAS Asia 2014

Joe Kearns accepts the Aquafeed Innovation Award on behalf of Wenger Manufacturing at Victam Asia 2012 is pleased to announce the panel of judges for the Aquafeed innovation Award, to be presented at FIAAP Asia/VICTAM Asia/GRAPAS Asia 2014.

\"Our judges all have a technical background and have been carefully selected for their practical knowledge and experience in producing aquafeeds,\"\'s Suzi Dominy said.

\"We have strong contenders for the award and selecting the winners won\'t be an easy task. We are very grateful that our panel has graciously agreed to take on this difficult role\".

The 2014 panel comprises:

•Dr. Dean M. Akiyama, Senior Vice President PT Central Proteinaprima (CPP) /Shrimp Improvement Systems, Jakarta, Indonesia 

•Dr. Richard Smullen, Technical Manager, Ridley AgriProducts Pty. Ltd., Australia

•Yeo Keng Joon - Chairman and Managing Director, Bharat Luxindo Agrifeeds Pvt Ltd, India

•Dr. Warren G. Dominy, Senior Technical Consultant,, Kailua, Hawaii 

•Peter G.A. Hutchinson, Director ENH Ltd./Director Extrusion Co., Auckland, New Zealand 

Presented by, the information resource for the worldwide aquaculture feed industry, this prestigious award honors the achievements and contribution of the allied industries to the advancement of aquafeed development. The winners of the 2012 award were 2012 Wenger Manufacturing, with Highly Commended Awards going to Dr.Eckel and Geelen Counterflow