

Ukraine Anti-Trust Clearance Paves Way For Sale of Skretting Parent

SHV Investments Ltd., an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of SHV Holdings N.V. (SHV), has obtained clearance for the purchase of Nutreco from the Ukraine competition authority. This removes the last obstacle from closure of the deal before the offer period ends March 10, 2015.

SHV Investments Ltd., an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of SHV Holdings N.V. (SHV), has obtained clearance for the purchase of Nutreco from the Ukraine competition authority. This removes the last obstacle from closure of the deal before the offer period ends March 10, 2015.

In a deal backed by Nutreco\'s board, SHV initially offered €40 per share for the company, but increased the offer to €44.50, following a bid of €43.20 in November by Cargill, in conjunction with private equity group Permira. On Friday SHV increased its offer again to €45.25 in cash for each outstanding share of Nutreco, valuing the company at €3.18 billion.

SHV, a family owned multinational company with its beginnings in the coal industry, now has interests in LPG distribution, consumer goods distribution, technical installation and technical equipment trading. It holds 29 percent of Nutreco shares. It said its interest in Nutreco centers on its growth prospects in emerging markets. SHV has said it would not break up Nutreco\'s group or its business units.