

US - Failure to fund government impacts USDA reports, analysis and research services

USDA has suspended its economic, statistical and crop reports and forecasts. Other than essential tasks most USDA activities, including the those of the ARS, have been suspended.

In the wake of the U.S. Government closure, the U.S. Deprtment of Agriculture has suspended its economic, statistical and crop reports and forecasts, leaving farmers, buyers and traders in the dark. 

The USA is the world\'s largest farm exporter and release of the USDA monthly crop estimates can cause massive swings in the price of feed commodities, such as soybeans.

USDA public websites, such as and carry a stark statement: \"Due to the lapse in federal government funding, this website is not available. After funding has been restored, please allow some time for this website to become available again\". There is a link to an information page but no access to data.

Other than essential tasks, such as care for animals, plants and associated infrastructure to protect U.S. Government property, most USDA activities have discontinued: as well as the stoppage of market news reports, NASS statistics, and other agricultural economic and statistical reports and projections, these activities include: 

• Agricultural Research Service facilities have been closed except for the care for animals, plants and associated infrastructure to preserve agricultural research 

• Provision of new ARS grants or processing of payments for existing grants to support research, education, and extension; and 

• ERS Commodity Outlook Reports, Data Products, research reports, staff analysis, and projections 

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is maintaining essential services only. Fish hatcheries, fish technology center, fish health center, fish and wildlife conservation offices, and Joint Venture offices in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming are closed to the public.