

US - PACAQUA IMTA Workshop White Paper available for public comment

The Draft White Paper from the September 2010 Workshop on Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture, held at Peninsula College in Port Angeles, Washington, is now available for public comment

US - PACAQUA IMTA Workshop White Paper available for public comment

In September 2010, 55 participants from all interest groups, from ENGO’s and Aquaculture professionals to local government officials and Federal regulators, attended  the first Pacific Aquaculture Caucus (PACAQUA) workshop on Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture ( IMTA). The workshop covered the past, present and future of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA). The workshop was sponsored by NOAA Aquaculture and a range of aquaculture industry organizations.

The  Draft White Paper from the Workshop at Peninsula College in Port Angeles, Washington is now available for public comment. After a 30 day public comment period (period ends May 11, 2011) and inclusion of the comments, the White Paper becomes a Public Document.

Please visit the PACAQUA website here for the draft White Paper and full details.