Shrimp accounts for around 25% of all seafood consumed in the
"Wegmans has always been c
"In 2006 we introduced Farmed King Salmon raised under environmental standards developed by Environmental Defense. Today's announcement about Farmed Shrimp fr
The new purchasing standards require farmed shrimp producers to eliminate the use of antibiotics and other chemicals, avoid damaging sensitive habitats, treat their waste water and reduce the use of wild fish to feed shrimp. Suppliers will be able to demonstrate their c
Wegmans and Environmental Defense developed this purchasing policy in cooperation with Wegmans' farmed shrimp supplier. The policy requires that suppliers immediately meet at least nine of the purchasing standards, including strict standards for levels of PCBs and other contaminants, and c
Farmed shrimp produced in c
Wegmans plans to build on this initiative by working with all of the retailer's aquaculture suppliers to meet similar standards. The standards can be reviewed at