

USA - NOAA's SBIR Request for Proposals deadline extended to March 4

NOAA seeks proposals from small business firms for participation in Phase I of the Fiscal Year 2013 NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program SUBTOPIC: Improving Environmental Sustainability and Competitiveness of U.S. Marine Aquaculture

NOAA seeks proposals from small business firms for participation in Phase I of the Fiscal Year 2013 NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.

The government is providing an extension to the due date of proposal submission to Monday, March 4, 2013 at 4:00 PM.  No additional extensions shall be provided.

SUBTOPIC: Improving Environmental Sustainability and Competitiveness of U.S. Marine Aquaculture

Summary: The purpose of this subtopic is to develop innovative products and services to support the development of an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable marine aquaculture industry in the U.S. in a way that is compatible with healthy marine ecosystems and other users of coastal and ocean resources. As marine aquaculture technology moves from research to operations, aquaculture producers need affordable and reliable techniques, products, and services to support growth and economic viability of sustainable aquaculture operations. There also is a need for reliable and affordable equipment, instruments, tools and techniques to assess the potential risks and benefits of marine aquaculture facilities and to monitor  impacts of marine aquaculture operations on marine ecosystems.

NOAA’s mission includes enabling sustainable marine aquaculture to maximize economic and social benefits and provide safe seafood. Enabling the development of sustainable marine aquaculture figures prominently in NOAA’s Next Generation Strategic Plan and in NOAA’s recent new Policy for Marine Aquaculture (currently in draft form and awaiting final release after public comment). The three areas of focus for SBIR grants in aquaculture this year closely align with these guiding principles. They are:

1. Alternative feeds

2. Improved health management

3. Novel production technologies and techniques

See details of NOAA\'s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I 2013, Solicitation Number: NOAA2013-1 on the Federal Business Opportunities website.