

USA - Organic aquaculture takes a step forward

National Organic Standards Board to review substances petitioned for addition to the National List

The National Organic Program (NOP) is preparing a proposed rule for the production and certification of organic animal aquaculture products. This rulemaking process is expected to take place over the next two years.

In anticipation of this rulemaking, the NOP has received a number of petitions for substances to be added to the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) for use in organic aquaculture. These petitioned substances must be reviewed by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). The petitioned substances that the NOSB recommends for addition to the National List may be included in a proposed rule for organic aquaculture production.

NOSB has now been formally asked by NOP to review these petitioned substances for compliance with the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) criteria (7 U.S.C. 6518(m)) and NOP regulations at 7 CFR 205.600. 

The NOSB previously recommended establishing four new sections of the National List for aquaculture materials, i.e., §§ 205.609-205.612. At this time, the NOP has not determined whether to establish new sections of the National List for aquaculture, or whether aquaculture materials should be incorporated into the existing framework for National List substances. The NOP expects that the majority of aquaculture substances petitioned to the National List will be petitions for substances already listed at section 205.601 or 205.603 for organic crop or livestock production respectively.