

Vitapro becomes Peru's first BAP Certified feed mill

Vitapro's Trujillo shrimp mill is the first feed mill in Peru to attain Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.

Vitapro’s shrimp feed mill in Trujillo, Peru, is the first feed mill in the country to attain Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.

Vitapro’s Inbalnor S.A. feed mill in Ecuador attained BAP certification in August. Both produce shrimp and fish feed under the Nicovita brand.

Currently, there are 15 BAP-certified feed mills in Central and South America.

Shrimp and fish companies sourcing from BAP-certified hatcheries, farms and processing plants can now source feed from the Vitapro facilities and qualify to offer four-star BAP product, which is the highest designation in the BAP program.