

Zeigler commissions aquaculture research center

Speciality feed company Ziegler, has announced the setting up of a new aquaculture research centre at Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Dr Craig Browdy, Director of Research and Development for Zeigler Bros, Inc today announced the startup of the company’s new aquaculture research center located at Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in Fort Pierce, Florida.

The new research center, Z-ARC, is a cooperative agreement between Zeigler and the Florida Atlantic University, and will be used for animal research trials that will help to improve and expand aquaculture technologies for the industry. The existing facilities at Harbor Branch will significantly extend the scientific capability of Z-ARC to evaluate different species, health management, and the impacts of feeds and nutrition.

“This new research capability will contribute to much faster innovation of new and improved products, customized to specific markets around the world, resulting in faster and more profitable growth of the world’s aquaculture industry” said Tim Zeigler, vice president of sales for the company.

Browdy stressed, that “in addition to developing our own products, we are looking forward to cooperative efforts with other technology companies to identify and test new ingredients, additives, and technologies. By striving for win/win solutions, we can grow our industry, create jobs, and improve options for heart healthy seafood around the world,” said Browdy.