

FAO-IGG-GRAINS Monthly News Report on Grains

Each MNR includes a selected number of articles from the international media and news sources on issues or factors which are considered critical in shaping the regional/global grains economy. The MNRs also include statistical briefs and other information about meetings/events as well as relevant new publications and/or websites
December 4, 2013

Market News:

  • GrainCorp: Australia blocks takeover bid from ADM
  • Argentina pegs wheat harvest at lowly 8.5m tonnes
  • Dry bulk market driven by the US Gulf trades
  • Agriculture: Small Steps Forward on Farm Trade?
  • Record harvest plugs up system
  • China will gradually let market decide grain prices: Report
  • Corn farmers brace for lower fuel demand
  • Govt plans more wheat export tenders
  • In a first, EPA cuts ethanol standard
  • Australia to revert to Asia to sell big wheat crop


  • Food Outlook (FAO)
  • Global Food Price Monitor (FAO)
  • Monthly Information Sources
  • Grain Market Report (IGC)
  • Crop Monitoring in Europe (MARS)
  • Commodity Price Data (World Bank)

Download MNR Issue 98 - November 29, 2013 (PDF) from link below
