

New studies carried out by EUROFISH available

Market possibilities for dorada, seabass and rainbow trout - Polish market

Aquaculture in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – Development and co-operation possibilities

Survey of the fish industry in Turkey - Focus on co-operation and investment possibilities

New studies carried out by EUROFISH available

Market possibilities for dorada, seabass and rainbow trout - Polish market
Released:      2009
Pages:             80
Format:           PDF
Price:              €100
The study presents the most important aspects for dorada, seabass and rainbow trout in Poland describing product details, market positioning, logistics, international competition and future market trends for those species.
Aquaculture in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – Development and co-operation possibilities
Released:      2009
Pages:             114
Format:           PDF
Price:              €100
The study presents the most important co-operation possibilities and identifies potentially interesting scenarios for aquaculture investors and suppliers.

Survey of the fish industry in Turkey - Focus on co-operation and investment possibilities
Released:      2009
Pages:             96
Format:           PDF
Price:              €100
The study presents the most important co-operation possibilities focusing on the specific demands that Turkish aquaculture industry cannot meet because of lack of experience, knowledge or business practices.

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