Proceedings from OPTIMIZE FOR PROFIT, a one-day technical workshop, presented by during Victam Asia 2006, in Bangkok Thailand.
- Introduction: Aquafeed in Thailand — Dr. Juadee Pongmaneerat, Department of Fisheries, Thailand
- Nutritional approaches to aquatic animal health and performance improvements: What can we learn from terrestrial nutrition? — Dr Dan Fegan, Alltech
- Tailoring the feed formulation for maximizing profit ability: farm demonstrations with white shrimp in Latin America — Dr. Peter Coutteau, INVE Aquaculture
- Soy proteins in aqua feeds: benefits and shortcomings — Lars Andersen, Hamlet Protein
- Improving nutrient delivery through attractants: implications for nutritionists and formulators — Dr. A. Victor Suresh, Bentoli Inc.
- Formulation software and handling variability — Merryl Webster, Format International Ltd
- Optimizing size reduction technology to process better quality, more profitable aquafeeds — Gary Minor, Mill Technology
- The truth about moisture uniformity and equilibrium — Paul D. McKeithan, Aeroglide Corporation
- Making more profit with New Technologies for Aquafeed — Dr. Mian Riaz, Texas A&M
Increasing aquatic feed production rates through plant optimization— Galen J. Rokey, Wenger Mfg. - Optimization of formulation and product quality parameters of extruded aquafeeds — Stuart Howsam, Buhler AG
Plus bonus papers
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