

U.S. feed grain supplies edge lower on reduced harvested acreage projections

This month’s projected 2013/14 feed grain supplies are slightly lower, reflecting a reduction in harvested acres for corn and sorghum. U.S. feed grain production is projected at 370.2 million tons, down 2.1 million from a month ago but up 84.4 million tons from the 2012/13 estimate. Corn planted acres for 2013/14 are forecast to total 97.4 million acres, up slightly from the 2012/13 estimate of 97.2 million acres, and 97,000 acres larger than March producer intentions

This month’s projected 2013/14 feed grain supplies are slightly lower, reflecting a reduction in harvested acres for corn and sorghum. U.S. feed grain production is projected at 370.2 million tons, down 2.1 million from a month ago but up 84.4 million tons from the 2012/13 estimate. Corn planted acres for 2013/14 are forecast to total 97.4 million acres, up slightly from the 2012/13 estimate of 97.2 million acres, and 97,000 acres larger than March producer intentions. Prolonged wet conditions in parts of the Western Corn Belt reduced plantings, but area increases in the Eastern Corn Belt, Central Plains, and across the South more than offset these losses. U.S. corn import forecasts for both 2012/13 and 2013/14 are increased this month, and exports for marketing year 2013/14 are cut 50 million bushels as a late harvest is expected to delay the time when U.S. export prices become competitive. Brazil’s corn exports for trade year 2012/13 are up 0.5 million tons this month to a record 27.0 million. There are no changes in forecast corn prices this month.

Download Economic Research Service Feed Situation and Outlook Report FDS-13g Released July 15, 2013 from the link below (PDF)
