

World Coarse Grain Production Prospects Down 10 Million Tons

Global coarse grain production in 2010/11 is projected to be 1,097.7 million tons, down 10.3 million this month. While the largest decline is in the United States, foreign production is down 4.9 million tons

World Coarse Grain Production Prospects Down 10 Million Tons
Global coarse grain production in 2010/11 is projected to be 1,097.7 million tons, down 10.3 million this month. While the largest decline is in the United States, foreign production is down 4.9 million tons, almost as much as in the United .States. The largest reductions in foreign production prospects are for the EU, down 3.5 million tons, and for Russia, reduced 1.2 million.
Download USDA Feed Outlook, 09.14.2010 [PDF]