
Suppliers' News

Discovery Channel video now featured on Neptune Industry's website

Neptune Industries, Inc.'s patent-pending Aqua-Sphere technology was featured on the Discovery Channel in a six-part series titled, "What's That About - Fisheries." The video can now be seen on the company's website
March 20, 2008

Discovery Channel video now featured on Neptune Industry's website

Neptune Industries, Inc.'s patent-pending Aqua-Sphere technology was featured on the Discovery Channel in a six-part series titled, "What's That About - Fisheries." The video can now be seen on the company's website.

The film crew of Pix Com Productions filmed the Aqua-Sphere prototype, and its integrated hydroponic greenhouse and methane digestion system. The crew also visited the Blue Heron Aqua Farms, LLC farm in Florida City, FL to film the company's production facilities for Everglades Striped Bass brand of hybrid striped bass.

Delegates to's conference, Aquafeed Horizons Asia, (Bangkok, MArch 6, 2008) learned about the Aqua-Sphere floating, closed containment system for intensive seafood production from the company's Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Sal Cherch. The system features the world's first jointed, articulating floating tank - the Aqua-Cell. This disruptive technology was designed to provide an eco-friendly, energy efficient alternative to self-polluting cages and net pens.

The company's current production at its Blue Heron farm, and future production with Aqua-Sphere(TM) System technology are intended to target the organic market as soon as organic certification of farm-raised seafood becomes available. The Company is also in development of an advanced dietary nutritional component called Ento-Protein. Ento-Protein is a high-quality sustainable protein derived from insects, and is intended to be a replacement for the scarce fish meal now used in fish and animal diets. 
