A study found that the use of Europe Soya certified soy protein concentrate (SPC) in Norwegian salmon feed production can cut 41% of CO2-eq emissions compared to Brazilian default.
Aker Biomarine, BioMar, Calanus, Cargill, Hordafor, Skretting and Mowi joined forces to accelerate the development of new raw materials for fish feed and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
BioMar will provide feed solutions for the Atlantic salmon in Quality Salmon’s land-based RAS facility once production commences in 2022 in Sotenäs, Sweden.
The 2021-2027 European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) will have a €6.108 billion budget and will promote aquaculture.
The new facility enabled the production capacity of feed block diets to increase tenfold and further expand in the Norwegian market with PTAqua as its distributor in the region.
Turkish BioMar’s joint venture, BioMar-Sagun, appointed Yasemin İşsever as new managing director to lead the business in the country.
UK-based Rothamsted Research signed a collaboration agreement with Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. to support Rothamsted’s flagship program to develop omega-3 oils in Camelina sativa.
The Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) elected Lara Barazi-Yeroulanos as the new president of the federation for the next three years.
BioMar is one of ten collaborative partners to join the end-to-end value chain wide consortium in the React-First project that aims to convert carbon dioxide from industrial emissions into high-value proteins.
A virtual laboratory was developed by the EU project AQUAEXCEL2020 which can simulate experiments with fish and receive data on expected growth and water quality.
Dorin is Aquasoja’s functional feed for seabream that avoids the loss of weight and even mortality due to winter syndrome and helps fish recover better when temperatures rise again.
With this agreement, Bioiberica’s Palbio™ and Nucleoforce™ lines will also be present in Benelux, Poland, Great Britain and Ireland.
The company becomes the first salmon feed producer to introduce this initiative in the market to help reduce its carbon footprint.
A £10 million funding project, led by Entocycle, will deliver a complete demonstrator system for the conversion of food waste into insect-based animal feed and biofertiliser.
The EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures (FEFANA) elected Séverine Deschandelliers new FEFANA president for the next 2020-2022 term succeeding Gerritjan van der Ven.
Researchers suggest that the European Commission guidance value for fumonisins (FB1 + FB2) in complementary and complete feedstuffs for fish of 10,000 μg/kg might be too high for certain species.
FINESTA is a finishing diet for seabream that intensifies skin colors before harvest to increase the commercial value of fish as its appearance is closer to wild fish.
French shoppers have increased the opportunity to buy fish raised on Veramaris’ natural marine algal oil with high levels of EPA and DHA omega-3.
A new UK project involving Entec Nutrition will explore methods for low energy production of insects to lower the cost of production and the environmental impact of the aquaculture feed industry.
Aquasoja, together with researchers from CIIMAR and the University of Porto, found that the replacement can be done in high proportions without affecting growth and feed utilization while improving the economic efficiency of the diet.