
Latin America

First Chilean salmon RAS farm supported by former Ewos executives

A new RAS project, Bordermar, will be located at the Biobío region and is expecting to produce 4,000 tons in the first years, increasing up to 24,000 by the third year of 5 kg salmon.

Chilean salmon industry is moving to land-based RAS farms. A new project, Bordermar, will be located at the Biobío region, reports Economía y Negocios. Bordermar is expecting to produce 4,000 tons in the first years, increasing up to 24,000 by the third year of 5 kg salmon in a RAS system.

The initiative involves VanTrust Capital, the Israeli firm Aquamaof and several former Ewos executives such as former CFO Pablo Cabello, Pablo Forno Stingo, former Ewos nutrition and research manager and Ian Martin, ex-logistics manager.