
Event News

2013 Coolwater Fish Culture Workshop, Honey Creek, Iowa, USA - January 14 - 16, 2013

First call for papers and registration open
August 29, 2012

The Iowa DNR Fisheries Bureau, the Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, and Honey Creek Resort cordially invite you to attend The 2013 Coolwater Fish Culture Workshop.  In addition to providing an opportunity to experience Honey Creek Resort, there will be a chance to tour the Rathbun Fish Hatchery/Research Complex and get hands-on fish culture education.  

First call for papers

If you have information about coolwater fish culture that you are willing to share, please send a completed presentation form to Donna Hanen Muhm, Natural Resources Biologist

122 252nd Avenue w Spirit Lake IA, 51360. Email: – either email, snail mail, or fax is fine.  Presentations should be 15 minutes in length with about 5 minutes for questions.  We also welcome posters to share your smaller projects, self constructed equipment, new techniques, or any other topics of interest.  Please note on the presentation form which media type you will bring – Power Point or Poster. 

Download registration form/ call for papers forms from the link below (PDF)