
Event News

Call for Papers: Meeting Production Goals with Limited Resources

The objective for convening this session is to help lay the framework for how to meet production goals from year to year with increasingly scarce resources.

Call for Papers: Meeting Production Goals with Limited Resources

at AQUACULTURE 2010, San Diego, California, USA, March 1-5, 2010

On behalf of the Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society, we would like to invite you to present in a symposium entitled: "Meeting Production Goals with Limited Resources", to be held at the AQUACULTURE 2010 conference in San Diego, California March 1-5, 2010. AQUACULTURE 2010 is the Triennial meeting of the Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society, the National Shellfisheries Association, and the World Aquaculture Society. Held every 3 years, the Triennial is the largest aquaculture conference held in the world, and is an unmatched opportunity to learn, network, and contribute to the aquaculture field. If you attend just one conference in 2010, it should be the Triennial!

The session is entitled “Meeting production goals with limited resources”—and our objective for convening this session is to help lay the framework for how to meet production goals from year to year with increasingly scarce resources. Call it innovation, invention, or plain old tinkering—culturists are creative folks, and it seems that every hatchery has come up with a new technique, modified piece of equipment, etc. that makes their operation easier, faster, more efficient or results in increased growth, survival, or performance of cultured finfish. This symposium will be a forum to share information generated “by culturists, for culturists”, and we hope that our members contribute their knowledge and use these opportunities to pick up a few new culture tricks themselves. Pulling together and pooling our collective knowledge and resources—this is one way that our profession will survive these troubled economic times.

We are currently soliciting speakers for the development of an agenda to submit to the conference organizers. Topics of interest include innovative feed strategies, spawning, culture and transport techniques, techniques to improve larval fish survival, new and modified apparatus, disinfection, filtering, and conservation of water, automated systems to reduce labor costs, simple systems to minimize equipment costs, effective use of hatchery space, and disease prevention/control strategies. The deadline for submitting a list of presenters and presentation titles is August 1, 2009, and presenters’ abstracts will be due August 31, 2009. If you are planning to give a presentation, a prompt response is greatly appreciated. Please provide your name, affiliation, and a tentative title for your presentation.

If you are interested in joining us in San Diego or have additional questions about the proposed symposium or the AQUACULTURE 2010 conference, please contact the co-chairs via the contact information provided below.

Additionally, if you have colleagues who may be interested in presenting, please forward this invitation to them.

See you in San Diego!

Jesse Trushenski,
FCS President, 2010
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Jim Bowker
FCS President-Elect, 2010
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Download the invitation from the link below.
