
Event News

TARS focus on Asian aquafeed industry

The 9th Aquaculture Roundtable Series (TARS®) 2019 will focus on the development of a sustainable aquafeed industry. Participants will identify areas of concern and solutions in feed production for marine shrimp, freshwater fish and marine fish.

May 30, 2019

The 9th Aquaculture Roundtable Series (TARS®) 2019 will focus on the development of a sustainable aquafeed industry. This marks the third time TARS is addressing Asia’s aquafeeds sector, following the two meetings held in 2011 and 2015. 

TARS 2019 features a dynamic plenary program with 16 presentations including state of industry and country-specific challenges; species-specific nutrition and nutrient requirement-based diets; new protein meals and oil as fish meal/oil replacements; feeds and its management for disease prevention and health, growing the feed segment in the value chain and R&D for improving feed performance and efficiency. Highlights of TARS 2019 include Hard Talk with C-suite Executives of aquafeed companies, interactive breakout roundtable sessions and panel discussions which have become hallmarks of this series.

Unique to each TARS is the Interactive Breakout Roundtable Sessions and panel discussions that will stimulate open dialogue among participants. Together participants will identify areas of concern and solutions in feed production for marine shrimp, freshwater fish and marine fish. More information on speakers and presentations here.

Early registration ends on June 19. Registration is limited to 200 participants. More information here.