

Aller Aqua hosts its first technical kick off

Production managers and extruder operators from Aller Aqua Group’s six factories participated in the company’s first technical kick off. The meeting focused on energy optimization and sharing knowledge.
Aller Aqua hosts its first technical kick off

Production managers and extruder operators from Aller Aqua Group’s six factories were invited by Group Technical Manager, Kristian Wang Jensen, for the company’s first technical kick off (TKO). The meeting focused on energy optimization and sharing knowledge. Topics such as product optimization, drying, product quality, news from R&D as well as dryer energy calculations were covered and a variety of workshops took place.

Participants left the TKO with practical tools for implementation in production. “I liked that we could all meet and exchange knowledge and experience, as well as get some tools for optimization of the production process,” explained Torben Jensen, extruder operator at Aller Aqua’s Danish factory. “I think we all got inspiration for our jobs. Producing fish feed is technically a very difficult process, and extrusion really is a skill. It is good to continuously stay up-to-date with the latest developments.”

At the technical kick off, an award was handed out for the smallest energy consumption. Energy optimization is a continuous focus area in all Aller Aqua’s factories. This year the award went to the Danish team. The TKO program had a high degree of involvement from the participants. Kristian Wang Jensen explained that the idea was not only to exchange knowledge, but also to connect the different factories by means of dialogue.