

New U.S. and Europe aquaculture funding opportunities

NOAA and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research in the U.S. and EURASTiP in Europe opened different calls for innovative aquaculture projects.

NOAA and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Research in the U.S. and EURASTiP in Europe opened different calls for innovative aquaculture projects.

Marine aquaculture pilot projects.

The Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commissions are each making funds available to expand seafood farming operations and production to offset the seafood trade deficit in the US. Through these pilot projects, emphasis is being placed on promising but less commercially developed technologies for finfish, shellfish, seaweed, and other relative newcomers to the domestic aquaculture industry. The programs also emphasize the development and deployment of economically and environmentally sustainable aquatic farming techniques and business practices. Closing date April 15. More information here.

National Sea Grant Aquaculture program.

  • Advanced aquaculture collaborative program aims to advance aquaculture in areas where a foundation of knowledge and activity currently exists but where significant barriers to sustainable domestic marine and Great Lakes aquaculture remain.
  • Exploring new aquaculture opportunities fund diverse, and at times, high-risk, developmental projects that will envision, explore and advance aquaculture opportunities where a minimal foundation currently exists.
  • Social, behavioral and economic research needs in aquaculture support research to address critical gaps in social, behavioral, and economic knowledge as it relates to U.S. aquaculture and the communities impacted and served by it.

More information about these funding opportunities here.

Regional oyster aquaculture consortia. The Interstate Marine Fisheries Commissions, in partnership with NOAA Fisheries, are seeking proposals to form regionally focused research consortia that will address critical research needs surrounding oyster aquaculture. More information here.

Seeding Solutions Grants.

Seeding Solutions Grants are an open call for innovative research projects that support one of Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Challenge Areas as advanced animal systems. Apply by April 19. More information here.

ERASTiP Exchange Program.

The objective of this program is to maximize existing and new collaborations and strategic partnerships between Europe and South-East Asia in the aquaculture sector. Opportunities are available for industry, researchers and educators from both regions to connect and gain new perspectives while sharing innovative ideas to help develop long term partnerships. Apply by April 30. More information here.