

Aquaculture UK 2008 expected to be a sell-out

Move of UK's major Aqua event back to the Highlands proves popular
Aquaculture UK 2008 expected to be a sell-out

Aquaculture UK 2008 expected to be a sell-out

Although bookings only opened in May for the  new International Aquaculture Exhibition and Conference to be held in Scotland  on May 21 &22, 2008 over 75% of the space available has already been booked.

The organisers, Ascomber Ltd, are expecting a  sell out, and are  looking at setting up marquees outside the two main exhibition halls to meet the demand.

David Mack , MD of Ascomber, said " the response to having the UK's major Aqua event back in the Highlands, where the industry is predominantly based in the UK, has struck a chord with  the industry. We have   been taken aback at the level of demand and  particularly by the strength of feeling about the choice of venue. Many exhibitors have  told us that had  the only choice been going back to Glasgow they would have ceased to exhibit in the UK"
Aquaculture UK 2008 is a new Exhibition and Conference set up at the request of  a  number of  major International Aqua Companies who  felt that the existing events in the UK no longer met their needs. See more at