

Course: Biology and Pathobiology in the Penaeid shrimp

International course at Mahidol University, Bangkok, to take place in April
January 18, 2006

The annual international course of “Biology and Pathobiology in the Penaeid shrimp”, will be organized by Centex Shrimp (Tim Flegel), at Mahidol University, and SBBU. The course will take place in Bangkok from April 17- 28th, 2006.
It is a two-week intensive training course covering key aspects of the biology and pathobiology of Penaeus spp as they are relevant to the shrimp industry in Thailand.  It is designed for postgraduate students engaged in research on any aspect of the Penaeid shrimp technicians or researchers involved in shrimp research or related fields and others who might be interested. 

Lecturers comprise relevant experts from the Center of Excellence for Shrimp Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Science and from other Thai Universities and institutes engaged in research on the black tiger prawn.  Daily sessions consist of 3-h morning lectures followed by afternoon practical sessions. 

There is also one day for a field trip to a shrimp hatchery and a shrimp farm. 

The lectures cover the life cycle, anatomy, physiology and immunology of the black tiger prawn, including information on the nature and diagnosis of all major pathogens.  The practical sessions focus on shrimp anatomy and on techniques for disease monitoring and diagnosis ranging from gross observation to light and transmission electron microscopy and advanced molecular biology techniques including the use of monoclonal antibodies (Mab) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology.

The course is opened for 30 persons maximum for laboratory sessions, but people can register for lecture only (half-day). Registration fees are US$650 (incl books, but not accommodation and meals)

Registration is on the base “first come, first serve” and will close on March 17, 2006.

Contact: for more information and for registration forms.

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