

Dr. Jesse Trushenski Recognized For Research on Rendered Fat in Aquafeeds

Dr. Jesse Trushenski of Southern Illinois University has received the 2015 Fat and Proteins Research Foundation (FPRF) Innovation Award for her project “Redefining Essential Fatty Acid Requirements of Fishes in the Context of Rendered Fat-based Aquafeeds.” Her research has expanded knowledge and understanding of fatty acid requirements in fish and has demonstrated that beef tallow has considerable value—perhaps even strategic value compared to traditional, plant-derived oils—as an ingredient in aquafeeds.
May 27, 2015


Dr. Jesse Trushenski of Southern Illinois University has received the 2015 Fat and Proteins Research Foundation (FPRF) Innovation Award for her project “Redefining Essential Fatty Acid Requirements of Fishes in the Context of Rendered Fat-based Aquafeeds.” Her research has expanded knowledge and understanding of fatty acid requirements in fish and has demonstrated that beef tallow has considerable value—perhaps even strategic value compared to traditional, plant-derived oils—as an ingredient in aquafeeds.

Presentations of these results at national and international meetings have generated great interest in the aquaculture community, and manuscripts are in various stages of completion will increase the awareness of and interest in beef tallow as an ingredient in aquafeeds.

Dr. Trushenski speaks about the utility of rendered products in aquaculture with enthusiasm and effectiveness. The resultant expanded use of rendered products in feeding fish could add value to every ton of rendered product, increase the tonnage of rendered products sold in this growing market, and improve the sustainability of fish production.