

Dr. P. E. Vijay Anand is Recognized by India's Aquafeed Industry

During a recently conducted trade and tech meeting for aquaculture in one of India’s southeastern provinces, USSEC Director for Animal Feed and Soy Meal Program – India, Dr. P. E. Vijay Anand, was given a surprise award in front of a 300 member industry audience by the Ananda Group.

During a recently conducted trade and tech meeting for aquaculture in one of India’s southeastern provinces, USSEC Director for Animal Feed and Soy Meal Program – India, Dr. P. E. Vijay Anand, was given a surprise award in front of a 300 member industry audience.

The award was given by the Ananda Group, which is one of the oldest and largest aquaculture projects in India. Dr. Vijay was honored in a unique, traditional Indian cultural ritual. He sat on a chair, was covered with a special honor shawl, given a floral garland to wear, and was awarded a unique plaque inscribed “Professional Achievement Award” with Dr. Anand’s own likeness engraved on it. This ritual was performed by Dr. Manmohan Singh (IAS), principal secretary to the government of Andhra Pradesh, Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries and the CEO of the Ananda Group, Mr. Vishwanada Raju.

Dr. Anand said that while Indians have been responsible for making successful market changes, they could also transform the aquaculture industry more efficiently. Dr. Anand urged the government and the industry to take speedy steps to clear bottlenecks and develop this sector. He classified the young population of India (50 percent in the age group of 25-30 years) as having nine characteristics: no time, excess knowledge, brand conscious, no patience, willingness to experiment, seeking convenience, high stress levels, health conscious and possessing higher spending power. He added that these traits drive new market bases and open up a myriad of opportunities for the aquaculture industry.