

European Union Steps Up Aquaculture Promotion

The E.U. has released a video to promote aquaculture in the region. "We are farmed in the EU" video is the latest step in a broad campaign called Inseparable, that was launched to educate consumers about the benefits of farmed fish and seafood.

May 28, 2015

‘Farmed in the EU’, a spin off the Inseparable campaign, is designed to help highlight positive stories from the world of aquaculture, and share interesting facts and figures to challenge some of the myths about fish farming. From September, the campaign will also involve schools in 10 Member States (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom).

The “Farmed in the EU” school project has been designed to raise awareness of the aquaculture sector among Europe’s teenagers. The project will bring students closer to fish farming and find out how it affects their local community. They will explore its role in food production and in preserving the environment. And they\'ll discover the different business and career opportunities aquaculture offers.

A key part of the project is an on-site visit by a local fish farmer, providing students with the opportunity to talk to an expert, to build on their own research, and to take part in a fun and interactive visitor session.

A project kit has been designed for teachers that provides everything needed to help them plan and run the project, from the first lesson, through the visit, to the follow up activities which can focus on anything from Nutrition & Cooking, Science & Technology, or Communication and Arts.

Visit the Inseparable website for everything you need to know about aquaculture in the E.U. and for promotional resources.