

EWOS, Biomar and Skretting sponsor Marine Conservation Society event on the role of alternative feed ingredients

Delegates at the event in Scotland discussed a wide range of issues from why the UK is so resistant to alternative farmed fish feeds, how substituted feed can still bring health benefits, what the tipping point to accept substitution will be and what ingredients are being used in other countries

EWOS, Biomar and Skretting sponsor Marine Conservation Society event on the role of alternative feed ingredients

MCS hosted a special event in Edinburgh, Scotland, November 9, to discuss the role of alternative feed ingredients in farmed fish diets. ‘Feeding the Fish of the Future – Alternative Choice for Aquafeeds’ was the brainchild of MCS Aquaculture Officer, Dawn Purchase. Dawn, who works out of the MCS Scottish office, pulled together experts from the aquaculture industry, retail sector and academia for this one off event.

Dawn said the industry is standing on the precipice of a Blue Revolution: “The phrase is coined from a similar thing that happened in the 1960’s in faming and became known as the Green Revolution. To feed a growing population, agriculture had to use technological advances. Now, with the pressures of population growth, combined with an increasing individual  consumption of seafood, there is an anticipated need to rely on development and advances in aquaculture to fulfil the demand for fish protein for future generations.”

With the depletion of wild fish stocks, the farmed fish industry is growing. Delegates at the event  discussed a wide range of issues from why the UK is so resistant to alternative farmed fish feeds, how substituted feed can still bring health benefits, what the tipping point to accept substitution will be and what ingredients are being used in other countries.

Dawn said she was delighted that over 65 delegates attended  the event, all keen to share ideas. “Presentations were informative and interesting and we had some good debate. It has informed my thinking of where to take the MCS aquaculture programme to  progress the issue of alternative feed ingredients for farmed fish and I  hope that MCS is now seen as taking the lead in this area."

Presentations are available for download from the MSC website here.