

Brazil's first suspected case of CJD sounds alarm bells

BSE link almost ruled out in first case of "mad cow disease"

Brazil's first suspected case of CJD sounds alarm bells

Health officials in Campinas, in Sao Paulo state are investigating a possible case of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease, which would be the first ever in Brazil, which leads the world in beef exports, valued at $4.12 billion. Brazilian health officials said however that the case was likely not caused by eating beef  with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). “The occurrence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob from beef consumption is highly unlikely” Jose Saraiva, health secretary for the city of Campinas said. “This possibility has almost been ruled out.” 

A  possible case of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease is being watched carefully in Chile.