

Feed and health partnership to improve tilapia farming

Ictyogroup has entered into a three-year partnership with Skretting Africa to combine health with feed and nutritional products for a better serve of tilapia farmers.

Ictyogroup has entered into a three-year partnership with Skretting Africa to combine health  with feed and nutritional products for a better serve of tilapia farmers.

The companies said that the disease challenge in Africa is higher as tilapia farming is increasing in intensity while water availability is under pressure. The objective is to combine the Skretting tilapia diet, Nutra, and health support of Ictyogroup, Protec, before and after vaccination to insure good survival during the grow-out of tilapia. Their initial plan is to start collaborating in a few African countries, Zambia and East Africa. Subsequently, the companies plan to work closely together to provide quality health and nutritional solutions to Asian tilapia farmers.

Skretting has already feed plants in Egypt, Nigeria and Zambia. The company is aware of the importance of vaccination for healthy fish in conjunction with the good nutrition that their diets and other health solutions provide.