

New leadership for FEFAC

European feed federation elects new Praesidium; Prof. Dr. Ir. Martin TIELEN is new president.

FEFAC elected its new Praesidium at its XXIIIrd Congress in Venice. Prof. Dr. Ir. Martin TIELEN has been elected president.
Dr Tielen is emeritus professor at the Utrecht University, NL, as well as President of the Netherlands Association of the Feed Industry (NEVEDI) and member of the Executive Board of the International Society for Animal Hygiene (ISAH). Dr Tielen succeeds Yves MONTECOT, who had been the FEFAC President since 2001.

The following Members of the FEFAC Praesidium were elected to support him in his task: Asko HAARASILTA, Suomen Rehu Oy (FFI, Finland); Franz-Josef JUCHEM, JUCHEM (DVT, Germany); Marek KUMPRECHT, Biofaktory Praha s.r.o. (CMSO, Czech Republic);  Helen RAINE, ABNA (AIC, UK); Alberto Joaquim SANTOS ARAUJO DE CAMPOS, Soja de Portugal, S.A (IACA, Portugal); Aurelio SEBASTIÁ AGUILAR, Grupo Leche Pascual (CESFAC, Spain); Giordano VERONESI, VERONESI (ASSALZOO, Italy).

In his inaugural speech addressing the FEFAC delegates, Dr Tielen presented his program for a pro-active agenda of the European Compound feed industry. He stressed the importance of the “Three C’s” for his term of presidency: confidence – cooperation – communication as the key for the feed industry’s continued efforts to re-engage in an open dialogue with the European society.

He welcomed the newly adopted draft European Feed Manufacturers Code (EFMC) as a key tool to rebuild confidence in the feed & food chain and renewed FEFAC’s commitment to actively cooperate with all feed and food chain stakeholders in developing “genuine food chain solutions”.

Finally, he announced the launch of a European feed day event seeking to improve communication on and transparency of the feed sector as an essential part of the food chain.