

Offshore tuna unit is farm and transportation

Izar Fene Shipyard, in collaboration with Itsazi Aquaculture, has developed an off-shore unit for the breeding, fattening and transport of the bluefin tuna

Izar Fene Shipyard, part of the second biggest marine group in Europe and ninth in the world, in collaboration with Itsazi Aquaculture has developed an off-shore unit for the breeding, fattening and transport of the bluefin tuna (Thunnus Thynuus). This unit sails at 8 knots, and is able to transport living tuna from the Mediterranean to Japan, for example.

The proposed concept, combines a unique fish farming facility with a modern marine design to produce an offshore unit capable of purchasing young Tuna Fish in the selling centres, fattening of 1200 t of Tuna in nine months in hot water areas improving the efficiency of the growing process and travel to the fish markets delivering the fish at best prices.

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