

Public consultation on the Canadian Aquaculture Act

The Canadian government opened a public consultation for the first-ever Canadian Aquaculture Act that will provide more clarity and certainty to the local growing aquaculture industry.

Public consultation on the Canadian Aquaculture Act

The Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard, Bernadette Jordan, launched the next phase of the government’s public engagement on the first-ever Aquaculture Act. The proposed act will provide more clarity and certainty as this industry continues to develop across Canada, while respecting federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions.

“An Aquaculture Act will provide a nationally consistent and adaptable legislative framework, while also taking into account regional differences. Our goal is to develop an act that will provide more clarity and certainty as this industry develops across Canada, while ensuring strong sustainability and environmental protections. An important step in developing this legislation is engaging with our indigenous partners, stakeholders and Canadians to hear their views,” said Terry Beech, parliament secretary to the Minister of fisheries and oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada led two initial rounds of engagement in 2017-18 and in 2019. An online consultation also took place from June to December 2019 along with in-person engagement in some regions. A report on these engagements is available here.

A discussion paper providing background on aquaculture in Canada, rationale for the proposed legislation and an overview of the elements proposed for the new act is now available here with key questions to guide feedback to the government on this important initiative. The public is invited to participate in this round of consultation until January 15, 2021.