

South African RAS feed targets all aquaculture species

South African company, Aqua Management Technologies (AMT), has developed custom feed formulation and technology for RAS systems that, if applied correctly, will make them economically viable.

South African RAS feed targets all aquaculture species

South African company, Aqua Management Technologies (AMT), has developed custom feed formulation and technology for RAS systems that, if applied correctly, will make them economically viable.

The company uses a novel formulation that maximizes feed ingredient digestibility by using highly digestible ingredients, custom vitamin premixes and enzymes. Their approach is a paradigm shift in conventional aquatic feed formulation and application. "Rather than dealing with the impact of feed waste on water quality “after excretion,” the issue is dealt with in the fish's gut," said Andre Bok, AMT's Managing Director.

AMT’s intensive technology mitigates the density effect, so more fish can be stocked with no reduction in growth and productivity. The company stated that the feed guarantees a better feed conversion rate and animal vitality over standard commercial aquaculture feeds and reduces mortality rates and disease impacts. This approach has a significant impact on reducing fecal waste in any intensive aquaculture system (particularly RAS systems), improving water quality and animal growth performance. 

The company already offers the feed to trout, dusky kob and yellowtail kingfish farms but the technology is applicable to all aquaculture species including salmon, barramundi, abalone, marron and others. “Our trout farm has been using AMT Intensive Trout feeds and its feeding system since October, 2018. Impacts have been noticeable such as reduced ammonia levels, increased oxygen levels, improved fish vitality, reduced in-tank aggression and negligible mortalities. FCR’s have improved by over 25% to below 1:1,“ said Marco Harms, manager at Two Dam Sustainable Trout. 

AMT has been involved in the development of land-based marine RAS fish farming (dusky kob and yellowtail kingfish) in the East London Industrial Development Zone, South Africa for the last ten years where the feed was developed. AMT does not yet have the global footprint of the large feed companies, but it believes it can provide a product from South Africa that can outcompete the best, especially as aquaculture production systems become more intensive. AMT is looking to partner with intensive fish farmers in order to prove its technology “on-farm.” "With AMT's products, we know we can help farmers produce more fish in the same system more cost effectively," said Bok.